The Daily Grace: 12 Truths About Decorating A Christmas Tree

December 6, 2013


By Cathy Monetti
December 6, 2013


  1. There will be a fight.
  2. There’s a 20 percent chance the fight will occur when choosing the tree.
  3. 100 percent of trees change size between the tree lot and the living room.
  4. There’s a 70 percent chance the fight will occur when stringing the lights.
  5. There is a right way to string the lights, and there are lots of wrong ways to string the lights.
  6. There is a 10 percent chance the fight will occur when hanging the ornaments.
  7. He will never care as much as you do about the story behind that ornament.
  8. No matter what type of hook you use, 80 percent of ornaments will hang backwards.
  9. The entire tree decorating experience is enhanced with Christmas music, in particular, Nat King Cole. (On this we can all agree.)
  10. Cocktails add a festive air. Red wine is acceptable, but purists know: the White Russian is the Official Cocktail of Tree-Decking.
  11. There is a 90 percent chance the entire family will disappear as soon as the first box of ornaments is empty. There is no reason to fret about this.
  12. There’s a 100 percent chance she’ll move half the ornaments they placed, anyway.


just the way it goes 


The Daily Grace

The Daily Grace is the online journal of Cathy Rigg Monetti, writer and founder of Riggs Partners in Columbia, South Carolina. It chronicles the observations of ordinary days, in an ordinary life, and how extraordinary those days become when you simply pay attention. Follow The Daily Grace blog here , or via Facebook or Twitter.

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