The Daily Grace: The Best Advice on Love

February 21, 2014

By Cathy Monetti
February 21, 2014

Does he make your world bigger?

It was a question she’d asked her daughter, a passing comment in the midst of a story about something else entirely. And yet it has stuck with me since, this thought, this most-perfect and profound point of view.

Does he make your world bigger? she’d asked.


I believe it to be the perfect test of love, true love, the kind of love that nurtures you both as (inevitably) a romance transitions from sparkly and new to real life and daily. I believe the greatest proof of love is expanding each other’s horizons, supporting each other’s dreams, believing in the joy that extends out there, tomorrow.

I believe it is the ideal when-you-get-right-down-to-it test, whether you are 16 years old, or 28, or 54, or 90.

Does he make your world bigger?


I hope the answer in your life is yes.

                                     Oh, yes.


The Daily Grace

The Daily Grace is the online journal of Cathy Rigg Monetti, writer and founder of Riggs Partners in Columbia, South Carolina. It chronicles the observations of ordinary days, in an ordinary life, and how extraordinary those days become when you simply pay attention. Follow The Daily Grace blog here , or via Facebook or Twitter.