TransformSC schools and districts using technology to personalize learning

February 5, 2016

National and state experts give educators support to scale blended learning


Educators gathered at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies in Chapin to advance the use of blended learning – the combination of face-to-face instruction and support from a teacher and interactions with personalized, digital content on a device (tablets, laptops, etc).

“Why do students have to go through twelve years of the same thing at the same time in the same environment?  Technology has created opportunities for schools to personalize learning for individual students,” asked Bruce Friend, chief operating officer at iNACOL.

Over 100 representatives from 15 school districts participated in the learning exchange.  The goal of the event is to help educators scale blended learning in their schools and districts.

“So often when we talk to teachers about change, we tell them what and how, but we fail to tell them why.  That’s one of the things I was reminded of today,” said Craig Baker, principal of Swansea High Freshman Academy. “I have been to several TransformSC events, and every time I come I get re-excited and the work we are doing.  It is encouraging to see that I am not the only one trying to change and that there is momentum to transform education nationally and in South Carolina.”

The national experts presenting at the event included Anthony Kim, author of Personalized Learning Playbook, Why the Time is Now, and Bruce Friend of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning.

Assistant Superintendent Ryan Russell of the Metropolitan School District of Warren Township in Indiana spoke on best practices and approaches to instituting blended learning into schools.  The day concluded with Donna Teuber and Chuck Holland of Richland School District Two in South Carolina who discussed the challenges and triumphs of using blended learning in local schools.

The Blended Learning Institute was the last of TransformSC’s Institutes for the current school year.  The series will resume during the 2016-2017 school year.


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About TransformSC

TransformSC, an education initiative of the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness, is a collaboration of business leaders, educators, students, parents and policy makers working to transform the public education system so that every student graduates prepared for careers, college and citizenship. There are currently 37 schools and 3 districts participating in the TransformSC network.  For more information, visit