Traveling Light: Keeping Those Extra Pounds At Bay

August 2, 2013

By Kristen Tice,  MS, RD, CSSD, LD
August 2, 2013

When you’re on vacation or a business trip it can be a big struggle to maintain your diet or health plan. You always have the constant temptation to get a quick meal and to overindulge on unhealthy items. Nobody wants to come back from vacation with a nice ten-pound addition to their mid-section. By no means do you need to restrict yourself and only eat leafy greens on your trip, but you definitely should keep your dietary limits in mind.

Many people struggle with splurging on trips, which will only set you back further and make you regret your decision. One quick rule of thumb to prevent yourself from ruining your progress is to follow the 1/3 rule. This simply states that one out of every three meals can be relatively carefree, so you can have one good restaurant meal each day. By doing this you’re following your goals while still allowing yourself to enjoy the trip.

Other than the 1/3 rule, here are 5 other tips to make sure you stay on track.

  1. Plan your breakfast the night before: by planning this the night before you aren’t using that one meal to splurge. Have some oatmeal, an egg or two, or a nice fruit salad. Just do the necessary prep work in advance so you can just put them in the fridge, assuming there will be one.
  2. Do some research on restaurant options: look up the nutritional facts of restaurants you know you’ll be visiting and find some healthy options. Even on your one unrestricted meal you can still eat healthy.
  3. Pack some snacks in advance: bring some things in your bag so you don’t make bad decisions when you get hungry between meals. These should obviously be non-perishable items like trail mix, fruit leather, Luna/Laura bars, dried fruit, or dried Edamame. Keep it healthy and there won’t be any guilt.
  4. Don’t forget about physical activity: as much fun as sitting on the beach or relaxing in your comfortable bed is, it’s still important to incorporate some exercise. You can do some squats and pushups in your room, go for a long walk/jog, or even hit up a gym nearby. If you’re not sure how to do squats check Kristen’s blog out here
  5. Go easy on the booze: after wrapping up a deal or a long day in the sun it’s pretty common to hit the bar at the end of the night. While this is mostly unavoidable, you should limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks. The three-finger rule from the stem of your wine glass is also a good amount to keep yourself from overdrinking. You don’t want all of those empty calories and excessive amounts of sugar after a day of healthy eating and moderate physical activity. If you’re curious to know how bad alcoholic beverages are for your body, tune in next week for my blog. 

For more tips and help with your own personal nutrition plan, visit   

Kristen Tice, MS, RD, CSSD, LD
Registered Sports Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer
[email protected]

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