UCI Medical Affiliates president runs the span of the globe for Alzheimer’s research

March 21, 2016

David Boucher, president and chief operating officer at UCI Medical has completed his goal of running 24,902 miles (the circumference of the earth). For the past 25 years Boucher has working towards this goal, running in over 30 countries. He celebrated his final laps this afternoon during the Rotary District 7770 conference at the Columbia Convention Center.

As Boucher approached his last 902 miles, he turned to the Capital City Rotary Club where he serves as president to celebrate with a good deed. Along with other rotary club’s across the nation, he began collecting money for an Alzheimer’s research fund that was started by a Rotarian in Sumter County in 1995. The CART, or Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust, has provided more than $5 million in research grants.

“Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. Right now, it’s the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, and today it affects over 5.1 million Americans. So it’s a big number,” said Boucher.

Boucher has over 35 years of health care administration experience. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Administration in 1980 from Slippery Rock University (PA) and his Masters of Public Health degree from the University of South Carolina in 1982. He is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), a member of the boards of directors of South Carolina Philharmonic, the SC Arts Foundation, and the World Affairs Council. He is also an active member with the Capital Rotary Club.

Please see video here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ahpz13h3fr09yig/DAVID%20RUNNING%20FINSIH.mp4?dl=0


About UCI Medical Affiliates

UCI Medical Affiliates is the nonmedical management company that provides support to Doctors Care, Progressive Physical Therapy and Doctors Wellness Center. Doctors Care has 51 locations in South Carolina and one in Tennessee, and offers family and urgent care services including on-site X-ray and labs. For more information, please visit UCImedInc.com.