USC Aiken Vice Chancellor Accepted to Leadership Program

February 20, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – Mr. Ernest Pringle, Vice Chancellor of Information Technology and CIO at the University of South Carolina Aiken, has been accepted to the EDUCAUSE Leading Change Institute (LCI), an intensive, invitation-only, residential executive training program geared toward information technology and library professionals in higher education.

The Leading Change Institute explores higher education challenges, empowering librarians and information technologists to initiate conversations and take action on issues of importance not just to their individual institutions, but to the entire higher education community. Fellows in the Institute hear from speakers from a wide range of backgrounds who will share real-life problems from across the higher education landscape for which participants will be challenged to devise and propose solutions.

In the program’s fifteen year history only two others from South Carolina schools have ever been invited to participate. USC Aiken is extremely pleased that Mr. Pringle has been selected for this honor.