V.C. Summer Nuclear Station starts refueling outage

April 10, 2017

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) took Unit 1 at V.C. Summer Nuclear Station offline April 8 to begin a scheduled refueling outage. The outage, which follows an 18-month operating cycle, is the 23rd for V.C. Summer since the station began commercial operation in 1984.

“Our focus during this outage is to perform those activities that position Unit 1 to continue to provide clean, safe and reliable electricity to our customers,” said George Lippard, SCE&G vice president of nuclear operations.

Approximately one-third of V.C. Summer’s 157 fuel assemblies are replaced every 18 months. Refueling outages also allow SCE&G to perform preventive maintenance work that cannot be performed when the reactor is operating. While the 966-megawatt facility is out of service, SCE&G’s other generating plants will provide electric power for its customers.

During this refueling outage, approximately 1,100 supplemental personnel join the approximately 700 permanent SCE&G Unit 1 employees to support work activities. These additional workers live in the community and patronize local businesses, providing a boost to the local economy.



South Carolina Electric & Gas Company is a regulated public utility engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to approximately 709,000 customers in 24 counties in the central, southern and southwestern portions of South Carolina. The company also provides natural gas service to approximately 358,000 customers in 38 counties in the state.