Voterheads Weekly Update – July 14

July 14, 2014
This week in local government, the City gets busy approving projects for the new fiscal year.  What are some of the interesting ones?
  • The Fire Chief is concerned about all the proposed speed bumps and Cottontown and want to make sure they don’t slow down fire response
  • Finlay park might be getting a facelift, if Council approved the consultant for the design process.
  • Council is giving the go-ahead for Hughes Development to start cleanup of the Bull Street Campus
Richland County is also considering funding the restoration of the Curtiss-Wright hangar.  Finally The City of Spartanburg is working with Saint Matthews Episcopal Church to create a new park for the City.

Featured Items for this week

    • SC – City of Columbia (Municipality)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTCITY COUNCIL MEETING9. Council is asked to approve the Installation of Eight (8) Speed Humps and One (1) Multi-way Stop in the Cottontown Neighborhood. –
      Note: The Speed Humps will be installed in the 1200 & 1400 blocks of Confederate Avenue; 2200 & 2400 blocks of Sumter Street; 1400 block of Victoria Street; 1400 block of Jefferson Street; 2100 & 2600 blocks of Marion Street; and the 2200 block of Wallace Street. The Multi-Way stop will be installed at the intersection of Marion Street and Victoria Street. Fire Chief Memo

      Quicklink: 34072


    • SC – City of Columbia (Municipality)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTCITY COUNCIL MEETING18. Council is asked to approve an Agreement for Master Planning Services for Finlay Park, as requested by the Utilities and Engineering Department
      Award to Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. in the amount of $304,815.00. This firm is located in North Charleston, SC. Funding Source: Hospitality Tax Fund – Note: The scope of this project includes conceptual design and planning, public outreach, schematic design and cost estimating services. The following sub-consultants will be utilized for this project at 74.7% of the contract value. The original budgeted amount for this project is $310,000.00. See agenda for project breakdown

      Quicklink: 34083


    • SC – City of Columbia (Municipality)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTCITY COUNCIL MEETING23. Council is asked to approve a Contract Amendment Two for Consent Decree Compliance and Infrastructure Improvements Program Management Services for Fiscal Year 2014/2015, as requested by Utilities and Engineering. Award to CDM Smith, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $5,400,000.00. This vendor is located in Columbia, SC. Funding Source: Sewer Maintenance Fund; 5516212-SS723615- 636600 – Note: This is a Mentor Protégé Program Project and the Protégé is Civil Engineering Consulting Services, a DBE/WBE firm located in Columbia, SC. The following sub-consultants will be utilized for this project at 25.7% of the contract value. The original budgeted amount for this project is $5,400,000.00. See agenda for project breakdown by vendor
    • Quicklink: 34088


    • SC – City of Columbia (Municipality)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTCITY COUNCIL MEETING24. . Ordinance No.: 2014-063 – Authorizing the City Manager to execute Voluntary Cleanup Contract 13-5789-NRP In the Matter of SCDMH Bull Street Campus,
      Richland County, between Hughes Development Corporation and the City of Columbia for the property commonly known as the South Carolina Department of Mental Health’s “Bull Street Campus” – First reading approval was given on June 24, 2014.

      Quicklink: 34090


    • SC – City of Columbia (Municipality)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTCITY COUNCIL MEETING38. Resolution No.: R-2014-062 – Authorizing tastings only of locally produced wine
      and beer only provided by market vendors and operation of the North Columbia Business Association Farmers Market, an open-air market featuring farmers and food on Thursdays fromMay 1, 2014 to November 27, 2014 in the vacant parcel located at the 2800 block of North Main Street and Newman Street excluding the sidewalk areas, without closing North Main Street, Newman Street, Drayton Street or Anthony Avenue, and authorizing City staff to require vendors to remove items City staff deems not to be in compliance

      Quicklink: 33961


    • SC – City of Spartanburg (Municipality)Monday, Jul 14 at 5:30PM EDTCity Council MeetingA. To Approve the City to Enter into a Ground Lease Agreement with Saint
      Matthew’s Episcopal Church for the Purpose of a Neighborhood Park in the West Side of Spartanburg Presenter: Kim Moultrie, Parks and Recreation Superintendent

      Quicklink: 33977


  • SC – Richland County (County)Tuesday, Jul 15 at 6:00PM EDTRICHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION19.a Move that Richland County Council restore the historic Curtiss Wright Hangar at the
    Richland County Owens Field Airport [ROSE]

    Quicklink: 34057