Washburn named executive director of Lexington District One Educational Foundation

August 4, 2016

During the July 19, 2016 regular monthly meeting of the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees, the board approved the hiring of a new executive director for the Lexington County School District One Educational Foundation.

Julie Anderson Washburn, a veteran nonprofit professional, takes over for Connie McFarland, who retired as executive director at the end of the 2015–2016 school year.

Washburn, director of communications at Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church in Lexington since 2012, served as the community and corporate coordinator for the Town of Lexington from 2007 to 2009.

While at the Town of Lexington, Washburn helped raise more than $113,000 for the construction of Willie B. Caractor Park.

Washburn also worked as director of development at the University of South Carolina, EdVenture Children’s Museum and Carolina Children’s Home. She oversaw a capital campaign resulting in $1.8 million for a new building at Carolina Children’s Home and oversaw a capital campaign of $18.5 million at EdVenture.

Washburn received a Bachelor of Arts in English and French from Wofford College, followed by a Master of Education in higher education administration from the University of South Carolina.