What kind of leader do you need to be?

March 11, 2014

By Jerry Bellune
March 11, 2014

Leadership without vision leads to blind tunnels.

Vision without leadership is shouting into the wind.
Visionary leadership is what’s needed today.
Leadership is the deal maker in business.
Lack of leadership is the deal breaker.

Does this sound like someone you know?

She is modest and never boastful.
She works hard and expects others to do the same.
She takes the blame when something goes wrong.
She gives credit to others when things go right.
She acts with a quiet determination.
She channels her drive into the mission — not herself.

Her aim is to produce great long-term good for:
• Her company and its purposes.
• It’s customers and employees.
• The stakeholders in her community.

She sets high standards for herself.

She models them for others.
She holds herself accountable.
She will accept nothing less than the best effort.
She is big on communication, planning, preparation.
She practices a Socratic approach to problem solving.
She asks lots of questions of everyone.
She does this not to embarrass her employees.
She only wants all of the information available.
Her goal is to inspire everyone’s best thinking.

She does what others can’t or won’t do.
As a result she lives a life that others can’t imagine.

That sound like someone you work with?
That sound maybe a lot like you.
Congratulations. We need more leaders like this.

Want to discover more leadership secrets?

Our “Visionary Leadership” seminar may be for you.
It will be March 28 at the West Metro Chamber.
You’ll discover insights to change your life.
It can mean success in business instead of failure.
Email me for a copy at [email protected]

Missed last week’s “Be the right leader at the right time”?
Just go to http://midlandsbiz.com/news/headlines/3857/
For “Great leaders have faith in themselves” go to:
Next: How to bring out the best in others.

©2014 The Bellune Company, Inc.
Neither MidlandsBiz.com nor The Bellune Company, Inc. makes any warranty as to the results that may be achieved from using this information. ©2013 The Bellune Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reprint or circulate may be obtained by emailing [email protected]