Come join us at the BIG Local Expo (Best in Green and Local)

August 4, 2010


Friday, August6th, 8:00 am to  7:00 pm

Come join SouthCarolina Businessleaders and residents as we discuss the future of local business and greentechnology in our state.  

Highlightsof this All Day Event include:

PanelDiscussions Featuring Democratic Nominee for GovernorVincent Sheheen along with other state and local business and governmentleaders.

Luncheon Featuring some of the area’s finest restaurants.

KeynoteSpeaker Eric Henry from TS Designs will share hisstories of entrepreneurship and working with local businesses.

Workshops TopicsincludeCharleston’s Green Business Challenge, WorkingLocally in a Global World, Green Building Skills and Demand, Emerging Trends inAgriculture, Bio-Fuel Industries and more.

TheExhibitors Showcase Featuring local and regional green businesses. Exhibitor Showcase Participantsinclude Xerox, Green Business Challenge, AESS, WCBD Channel 2, Money With aMission, Subaru of Charleston, The Good Footprint, The Sustainability Institute,Lowcountry Local First, Coastal Conservation League, KEW Solutions, AmericanAutomated Payroll, Kangen Water, Kinder Soles, Deltacom, Coastal BioDiesel,Office Connections Inc, Solar Hot Water Works!, Southeastern WildlifeExposition, R.E.D.D.Y. Recycle, SC DHEC Office of Solid Waste Reduction andRecycling, Berkley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments, LowcountryCitrus Solutions, Green Roof Outfitters, Maximized Living, OBCO Chemical Corp,Fisher Recycling, Solar Energy Solutions, and Carriage Hill Associates ofCharleston among others!
Green Business Challenge Kick OffCelebration & BIG & Local Pioneer Awards.  Mayor Riley and the City ofCharleston will host this reception whichrecognizes businesses throughout the Lowcountry who have achieved standards ofexcellence in sustainability.  It will also showcase the Charleston GreenBusiness Challenge which helps to improve the environmental performance andsustainability of local businesses. 




WHEN: Friday, August 6th, 8am-7pm 

WHERE: Gaillard Municipal Auditorium,Charleston,SC

COST: $40 in advance (Purchase tix CLICK HERE) or $50 atdoor

MOREINFO: For more info about the program, go to



Wurth WoodGroup is hosting an educational Green Seminar complete with LUNCH, GIVEAWAYS ANDMORE! Education and training are at the forefront of the Wurth Wood Group’sgreen and sustainable building products mission. Let our trained staff answerall of your green building questions and let us teach you how Green living willsoon be the norm, and that healthier, more sustainable products are here tostay.
WHEN: Friday,September 10, 2010, 9:00am – 2:00pm
WHERE:CharlestonAreaConventionCenter,5055 International Blvd.,NorthCharleston,SC
RSVP: WarrenGardner, 843-529-0808  or [email protected] before September 3,2010!!



Stay tunedfor some fun events coming down the pipe. There will be more announcements aboutthese social activities soon. If you have ideas for programs or would like topresent at one of the programs, please contact us at [email protected].  We would love to hearfrom you!



Interested insponsoring a USGBC-Lowcountry Event? The branch has a variety of opportunitiesfor you or your company to help to support our activities. We currently offer awide-range of events including regular programs,Tours and Presentations of LEED Certifiedbuildings, LEED and green building Trainings and Workshops, and a variety ofBranch Activities. Contact [email protected] or the appropriate Committee Chair fordetails on to learn more about what you can do to support our education andoutreach activities and how it can benefit your bottomline!



At ourLowcountry programs you can stay abreast of new developments, meet policymakers, and make connections with others working on the same issues your companyis addressing, in the same market. Oh, did I mention the networkingpotential!! 



Stayconnected with the Lowcountry Branch by following us on these social mediasites.

Twitterhandle: lowCOUNTRYUSGBC

Facebookpage: USGBC-SC FacebookPage



We’d like tothank all the presentors at last month’s event at the Green House Facility. Wesure do appreciate all the effort put forth and couldn’t do it without folkslike you! Thanks so much!

Visit usonline to find out about any of our monthly branch programs andworkshops