Meltdown in Dixie Screening with the Echo Project at Presbyterian College

April 5, 2023

The Center for Creative Partnerships of Orangeburg and The Echo Project is bringing the South Carolina focused documentary film Meltdown In Dixie to Laurens County for a community screening on Monday, April 24th at 6:30pm at Presbyterian College.

The film examines the complexities of race and Southern culture through the story of a battle over the display of a Confederate flag in Orangeburg outside an ice cream shop called the Edisto River Creamery. Directed by Orangeburg native Emily Harrold, the film follows the owner of the creamery as he tries to bring the flag down. Countering this, the film also profiles the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who want to keep the flag flying.

“The role of Confederate symbols in our society today is a very charged and dividing issue,” said Director Emily Harrold. “While it was hard to turn the camera on my hometown on such a controversial subject, I believe the film offers insights on all sides of the issue. I hope the film encourages audiences to more openly consider their feelings on the topic and acknowledge the legacy of hurt that Confederate symbols continue to uphold.”

“As part of our work transforming the historic Echo Theater into a museum and diversity center, we are excited to bring programming to our community which aligns with our goals: overcoming the fears that separate us, telling the truth, and bringing people together. We are honored to partner with The Center for Creative Partnerships, South Carolina Humanities, the Joanna Foundation, and the Presbyterian College community to screen this film and engage in conversation on the painful legacy of Confederate symbols. Telling the truth about the past is the first step in racial reconciliation.”

The screening at Presbyterian College’s Kuhne Auditorium is free and open to the public. After the screening Dr. Booker Ingram will moderate a conversation featuring Dr. Selena Blair and Dr. William Harris from Presbyterian College.


Kuhne Auditorium in Neville Hall – Presbyterian College

503 South Broad Street Clinton, South Carolina 29325

This event is a part of a screening series traveling across South Carolina. It is presented with funding from S.C. Humanities and the Joanna Foundation. The event is also part of The Echo Project’s traveling discussion panel series which is presented with support from Walmart, Inc.

A trailer for the film is viewable at