Moore School of Business and Swamp Fox host sustainability forum Dec. 2

November 25, 2008

COLUMBIA, SC – November 25, 2008 – The Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina and the Swamp Fox Community will host a forum, “Enhancing Green Purchasing and Waste Management,” Tuesday, Dec. 2, that will bring together industry and academic leaders from across the Southeast to discuss innovative sustainable business practices. 

The sustainability forum will be from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Daniel-Mickel Center on the eighth floor of the Moore School. Cost is $75 per person. Online registration is required and is available at Contact Jacqueline Hunt at 803-777-2146 with questions. 

The Moore School, along with the university’s NanoCenter, is an “anchor” member of Swamp Fox, an Upstate organization that facilitates a network of businesses, educators and entrepreneurs. 

Swamp Fox founder John Warner said that creating markets for green products and recycling is critical so that organizations can be responsible stewards of their resources in a cost-driven, competitive business environment. Other Swamp Fox network members include industry leaders Milliken, GE and Michelin and academic institutions Clemson and UNC Charlotte. 

The forum is designed for individuals with expertise and resources in green products and waste management to connect with industry and academic participants. 

“The goal of the sustainability forum is to be the first meeting of an ongoing community of industry and academic professionals, entrepreneurs, investors and service providers working together in their mutual self-interest to connect those with great ideas related to sustainability with the expertise, resources and customers they need to succeed,” said Warner. 

The event will include presentations by representatives of Swamp Fox’s anchor organizations. Dean Hildy Teegen of the Moore School will speak on behalf of the university. 

Keynote speaker for the event will be Dr. Kevin Lyons, purchasing director at Rutgers University. Lyons is responsible for all procurement and contracting at Rutgers and conducts research on developing and integrating global environmental, social, economic and ethical criteria and data into supply chain/procurement systems and processes. 

The sustainability forum is the first in a series of related forums scheduled by Swamp Fox Community, leading up to the annual InnoVenture Southeast in March 2009.