Now accepting cadet and student applicants for new Swain Department of Nursing

October 3, 2016

South Carolina Board of Nursing gives the go ahead to Citadel’s program for Jan. 2017 start

The Citadel is now accepting applications for its new Swain Department of Nursing program which will consist of both an evening, 2 + 2 program for degree-completion nursing students and a full, four-year cadet day program. The initial phase includes the Lowcountry’s first evening nursing program beginning January 2017. The second phase of the Swain Department of Nursing will be the launch of a full, four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing daytime program for cadets starting in the fall of 2017.

The South Carolina Board of Nursing gave the provisional approval for the program to being on Sept. 29, 2016.

“The Swain Department of Nursing will help offset the projected need for nurses in the Lowcountry, the state, and especially in the United States military through a traditional classroom and lab-based nursing education curriculum,” said Connie Book, Ph.D., Citadel provost and dean of the college. “The evening program will serve Veterans and others who work during the day as well as students already holding an associate of science degree. Additionally, the college has seen strong interest in nursing from prospective cadets planning military careers through ROTC scholarships, which is why the full four-year cadet program is being offered beginning next fall.”


The evening program will accept qualified students who have completed their general elective credits at another institution, or who have completed an Associate of Science (AS) degree. Students will then study approximately two more years (60 credit hours) at The Citadel to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).  The Citadel also has an agreement with Trident Technical College to establish a 2 + 2 program, enabling the AS credentials to be earned there before transitioning to The Citadel.

The four-year, South Carolina Corps of Cadets nursing program will total 137 credit hours.

“We expect The Citadel’s four-year ROTC based nursing program to become a highly sought after offering with guaranteed employment for the ROTC graduate within the armed services nursing corps,” said John Weinstein, Ph.D. , interim dean for The Citadel School of Science and Mathematics. “Whether studying in the evening or during the day, nursing students at The Citadel will abide by the college’s core values of honor, duty and respect to become highly qualified, compassionate nurses.”

In deciding to approve the program, the board reviewed letters of support for The Citadel’s nursing program from the U.S. Army, East Cooper Medical Center, Ralph A. Johnson Veteran’s Hospital, Roper St. Francis Healthcare, and the U.S. Air Force Department and Naval Health Clinic at Joint Base Charleston.

“Quality nursing programs that help to alleviate the nation-wide nursing shortage while also serving as another portal for well-education and trained Army nurses are welcomed…a nursing program at The Citadel (one of only six Senior Military Colleges recognized by Congress) supports the Army’s “Soldier for Life concept which facilitates educational opportunities through a soldier’s career and into civilian life,” wrote Col. Denise Hopkins-Chadwick, USA, RN, Ph.D., vice president and director of training, Army Nurse Corps.

The traditional curriculum will include lower level-courses, such as Introduction to Nursing, and Anatomy and Physiology to give the student an understanding of wellness and normal body-system functions. The student then builds on this knowledge through gaining and understanding of the pathology of specific organ systems, disease associated with the pathology, the evidence-based nursing science that addresses care of these individuals, as well as pharmacotherapies designed to assist with disease management. Care of the older adult will be incorporated throughout the curriculum. More about the curriculum can be found by clicking here.

“The nursing program is being made possible through the vision and generosity of the Swain family, which has been a part of The Citadel family for many years,” said Book. “The Swain family’s confidence in The Citadel and the belief in the importance of nursing education will address the critical shortage of nurses in the armed forces and the Lowcountry.”

In addition to supporting the establishment of the nursing program, the Swain’s gift will fund the construction of a skills and simulation lab with patient rooms, six beds, a home health area, two low-fidelity and two high-fidelity mannequins, general lab space and a control room. To learn more about the Swain family, please click here.

The Citadel nursing program is expected to eventually include a total of 96 nursing cadets and students through the combination of the evening program and daytime cadet program.


To apply or to learn more about the Swain Department of Nursing at The Citadel, please click here.