SC Hydrogen Infrastructure Development Fund Contributions Support South Carolina’s Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

April 21, 2009

Contributors receive 25% credit against SC income taxes 
CHARLESTON, SC – April 21, 2009 – SCRA, a global leader in applied research and commercialization, announces that contributions are being accepted toward the South Carolina Hydrogen Infrastructure Development Fund (HIDF). On behalf of the state of South Carolina, SCRA is the designated administrator of the Fund, responsible for technical selection, program delivery and financial management. The SC General Assembly enacted S.243 in 2007, which established the HIDF. SCRA is the designated executor of the Fund on behalf of the state of South Carolina.
South Carolina taxpayers who contribute to the Fund receive a 25% credit against their SC income tax, license fees or insurance premium tax. Fund contributions will be distributed in the form of grants used to promote the development and deployment of hydrogen production, storage, distribution and dispensing infrastructure to enable the growth of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in South Carolina.
With the national focus on creating alternative energy sources, South Carolina is emerging as a leader in hydrogen and fuel cell technology and innovation, delivering substantive research and commercialization outcomes through vibrant interaction among our university research foundations, industry, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. This emergence was in full evidence last month when the National Hydrogen Association held its annual conference in Columbia, attracting attendees from across the globe. Two hydrogen fueling stations opened in South Carolina during the conference – one in Columbia and one in Aiken – implemented by the USC Columbia Fuel Cell Collaborative and the Center for Hydrogen Research, as partners with SCRA in the South Carolina Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Alliance.
“SCRA is pleased to be selected as the administrator of the HIDF,” said SCRA CEO Bill Mahoney. “This not only reflects SCRA’s consistent ability to achieve assured outcomes, but it also demonstrates our excellence as a partner in deploying important technology which advances the Knowledge Economy in South Carolina.” 
Persons or organizations who wish to contribute to the HIDF may send a check, payable to “South Carolina HIDF”, to:
                SC Hydrogen Infrastructure Development Fund
                c/o South Carolina Research Authority
                5300 International Blvd.
                N. Charleston, SC 29418
                Attn: Julia Martin
Contributors should include the donor’s full name and home/business address, and indicate where the tax credit certification should be mailed. Upon receipt of the contribution, SCRA will issue the tax credit certification and deposit the contribution in the account prescribed by the South Carolina Department of Treasury.
For more information about the HIDF, please visit:
For a list of South Carolina hydrogen and fuel cell facts, visit:

About SCRA
SCRA is a global leader in applied research and commercialization services with offices in South Carolina, Ohio and near McLean, Virginia. SCRA collaborates to advance technology, providing technology-based solutions with assured outcomes to industry and government, with the help of research universities in SC, the US and around the world.