State House Report: Top Three Things You Need to Know

June 1, 2015

By Ashley Hunter 


Criminal Domestic Violence Bill

The House and Senate amended and approved S. 3, the Criminal Domestic Violence bill and sent the bill to Governor Haley last week. Members included an amendment to strike the section on domestic violence risk assessors and part of the expungement language. Prior to adopting the changes to the bill, Representative Rutherford asked, “If all we’re doing is raising criminal penalties, how will that help on a Friday night?” Representative Erickson said there was an education component in the bill. Rutherford was concerned about the removal of risk assessors. He said risk assessors would save lives and counseling works. He spoke at length against the amendment.

The Roads Bill

The Senate began debate on H. 3579 regarding road funding last Wednesday. Senator Bennett explained the components of the amendment as governance – changing the current structure; a funding increase – 12¢ motor user fee with an increase of 4¢ per year for the next three years; and income tax relief of 1% on all tax brackets for five years. Bennett said, “This plan provides for a dedicated funding source for our roads.” He said it would make South Carolina more competitive in the Southeast and added that the tax relief would not dip into the General Fund. Senator Lourie said, “I am struggling with this plan. I think we can come together on a compromise.” Senator Sheheen expressed concern over low-income people who do not pay income tax having to pay the motor use fee. Bennett responded that their part of the fee would be low and in turn they would have better roads. Sheheen spoke against raising the gas tax. He added that they have given, “tremendous tax relief over the last 10 years.” Senator Greg Gregory commented that if raising the fuel tax was unfair then the cigarette tax was also unfair. He said poor people ride the roads and would be paying around $55 per year. Gregory asked, “Aren’t their lives worth $55?” After further discussion, the Senate adjourned on the bill until this week.

The State Appropriations Bill

The House of Representatives amended H. 3701 Thursday and sent it back to the Senate. Chairman White offered amendment 1A that would add two new judges, more money into the rural infrastructure fund and into the Department of Commerce. He also pointed out the state employee bonus of $800 put in the Senate version was left out of the amendment. The bill was given third reading and sent to the Senate. Senator Leatherman announced that the State Appropriations bill, H. 3701 had been returned to the Senate. The Senate voted to non-concur with the House amendments and returned the bill to the House. The House and Senate will now appoint 6 people to a Conference Committee to work out the differences. House members still have the Supplemental Appropriations Bill that they will debate this week if a Conference Committee cannot reach an agreement.


This is the last week of the regular legislative session. For more information about legislative issues, you can contact Ashley Hunter, Vice President of McKay Public Affairs at [email protected].


For more information about these legislative issues, you can contact Ashley Hunter, Vice President of McKay Public Affairs (MPA) at [email protected]. MPA also publishes a one-of-a-kind monthly publication, The SC Purchasing & Procurement Digest, geared towards locating project funding from federal, state, and corporate resources. MPA’s latest endeavor, Peplum & Politics, is a blog focused on SC fashion and political happenings.

