USC Alumni: Register Now for Carolina Day at the Statehouse
March 4, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – March 4, 2009 – University of South Carolina alumni, facing an increasingly important role as the state’s ongoing budget crisis threatens the future of public higher education, will participate in Carolina Day at the Statehouse Wednesday, March 25.
The annual event is sponsored by the Carolina Alumni Association’s Carolina Action Network (CAN) and runs 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
To participate, alumni should register by March 18 online at or by calling the Carolina Alumni Association at 800-476-8752. A $10 donation is requested to defray the cost of lunch.
Since 2004, Carolina Day at the Statehouse has been a catalyst for alumni and friends of the university to speak with legislators in support of their alma mater and convey how strongly the University of South Carolina benefits the entire state.
Becoming an advocate for the Carolina Action Network can take as little or as much time as an individual can devote. CAN volunteers work together to increase awareness of legislative matters that affect the state’s colleges and universities. They communicate with their elected officials in various ways, including e-mail, letters, phone calls and personal visits.
Membership dues to the Carolina Alumni Association make possible the Carolina Action Network, a variety of scholarship programs and other initiatives that advance the university and support students.
For more information, visit the Web site: or call 803-777-4111.