Women in Philanthropy holds its annual Leadership Breakfast on December 13

December 2, 2019

Women in Philanthropy (WIP), an affinity group of United Way of the Midlands, holds its annual Leadership Breakfast on Friday, December 13 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. at the Palmetto Club. Kathy Izard, the award-winning author of The Hundred Store Home, will be the keynote speaker.

“We have an outstanding speaker joining us at this year’s Leadership Breakfast to share her story,” says Sara Fawcett, United Way of the Midlands President and CEO. “Kathy Izard’s accomplishments align with the goals of our homelessness initiatives and we are excited to hear about her inspiring and unique path.”

Izard, mother of four, graphic designer and soup kitchen volunteer, quit her job in 2007 to help house the homeless. Along with building a home for one hundred, she found faith, forgiveness and fulfillment in her own life. Learn more about her journey at kathyizard.com.

Seating is limited and registration is required by December 12. Tickets are $30 for WIP members, $40 for guests and $50 at the door for all. The Palmetto Club is located at 1231 Sumter Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

WIP received sponsorship from First Citizens Bank and Midland Mortgage Corporation, BB&T, Nephron Pharmaceuticals and Abacus Planning Group to hold this event.

WIP offers investors a variety of ways to stay involved throughout the year including numerous networking and personal development opportunities, social gatherings and fundraising events. To learn more about Women in Philanthropy, visit womeninphilanthropy.com.


About United Way of the Midlands

United Way of the Midlands is the most collaborative, efficient and accountable model for investing in the improvement of the Midlands community. With 65 Community Impact Partners, United Way works to identify and respond to the critical human service needs of Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties. Funds are raised through workplace campaigns, grant writing and individual donations and are directed to fight for causes including childhood literacy, economic mobility and dental and eye care for those without resources. For more information, please visit www.uway.org.

About Women in Philanthropy

Women in Philanthropy (WIP) was founded in 2002 by a group of 16 business women and community activists in the Columbia area. WIP, the Midlands’ first women’s leadership initiative, was established as a giving circle focused on leadership development, education, advocacy and networking. WIP operates as an affinity group of United Way and oversees an annual investment of $50,000 into programs supporting women’s and children’s issues. For more information, please visit womeninphilanthropy.com.