A Fond Farewell to C. David Warren
April 13, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – April 13, 2009 – After 30 years of exemplary leadership and service to RCPL, C. David Warren retired on Friday, April 3. The RCPL staff, the Friends of RCPL and RCPL’s Board of Trustees sent a fond farewell to RCPL’s longtime director with a reception on April 2 in his honor.
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David Warren with Columbia Mayor Bob Coble and Council Member Belinda Gergel, Mayor Coble also declared Friday, April 3 as David Warren Day in the City of Columbia.
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David Warren and longtime library supporter Martha Monteith
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Richland County Council Chairman Paul Livingston and Council Member Greg Pearce recognized the outstanding achievements of David Warren.
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Nonnie Price, School of Library and Information Science University of South Carolina; Jay McKay and wife Betsy; and David Warren reminisce about the changes they have seen in RCPL’s library system.
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RCPL Board Member John Baker presented a commissioned piece of art by Eric Carle to Mr. Warren.
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RCPL Literary Resident Howard Burnham bids a fond farewell to David Warren at the April 2 reception.
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Staff, volunteers and friends wait in line to bid a fond farewell to RCPL’s longtime director, David Warren.(From Left to Right: Jeanine Peterson, RCPL; Berry Bowling, RCPL; Pete Kramer, RCPL; Kathleen Imhoff, Director, Lexington Public Library, Lexington, KY; and John Boie, RCPL Volunteer
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From left to right: Crawford Clarkson; Sarah Clarkson, former RCPL Board Member; Arrington Cox Walker, and Julian Walker, former RCPL Board Member and former president of the Friends of RCPL Board.
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From left to right: Caroline Hipp, RCPL’s Chief of Extension Services; Helen Rapoport, former RCPL Board member; and Anne Bagwell, former Cooper Branch Manager at RCPL
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South Carolina Senator Joel Lourie was on hand to honor Mr. Warren’s many accomplishments with RCPL
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From left to right: John and Norma Higgins, Trinity Library Services, and Kristen Setzler, Director of Calhoun County Public Library