American Business Development Group International Director, Ed O'Donnell Accepts Position with US State Department

February 21, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – February 21, 2009 – Retired U.S. Ambassador Edward B. O’Donnell, Director of American Business Development Group’s (ABDG) International Sector in Columbia, S.C., has returned to the U.S. State Department, for a 90 day assignment, to help with the transition of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s new leadership team.

Ambassador O’Donnell has been appointed Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs.  The career Foreign Service Officer returned to the State Department on Jan. 22, 2009.

The Legislative Affairs Bureau has responsibility for coordinating legislative strategy for the State Department, and Ambassador O’Donnell will serve in an advisory role to the Secretary and other key State Department leadership.  Ambassador O’Donnell is involved with facilitating communications between Congress and the State Department.  His office manages testimony by State Department officials before Congress, directs the Senate confirmation process for proposed State officials and ambassadors, and is involved in the budget approval process with Congress.

In 2007 Ambassador O’Donnell launched ABDG’s International Sector in Columbia, S.C., leading the company’s efforts to develop international business in export management, foreign investment and international business services such as sourcing market research.  He recruited a support team that includes former French Parliament member Jerome Riviere and Rudolf Scharping, Germany’s former Minister of Defense.

Bill Skipper, American Business Development Group’s President and CEO, said, “It’s been an honor working with Ed these past two years. When the newly appointed Secretary of State asked him to come to Washington to ease her transition, we were excited for and supportive of Ed’s opportunity.  Being a former South Carolinian myself, I’m sure when Ed completes this assignment he will look forward to coming back home.  ABDG will be pleased to have him back in his leadership role in our company in South Carolina.”

Ambassador O’Donnell served the State Department for 32 years during an active and distinguished career, with assignments in Europe, Latin American and Washington. He was Ambassador in the U.S. Mission of the Organization of American States and Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues and Consul General, Frankfurt, Germany.

In Ambassador O’Donnell’s absence, the international office is being led by Will Lacey, the former Director of International Trade and Business Development for the South Carolina Department of Commerce.

American BDG is a full-service business development, sales and marketing, and legislative consulting firm located in Arlington, Va., with offices in Columbia, S.C., and Detroit, Mich. American Business Development Group is the largest business development firm in the United States which specializes in the re-equipping and modernization of the United States Armed Forces.