Are starvation diets a dumb idea?

September 11, 2019
Jerry Bellune

By Jerry Bellune


Fellow Maverick Entrepreneur Suzanne Riley Whyte asks if you have ever been really hungry.

Maybe you’ve gone on one of those diets where you eat almost nothing to lose a few pounds and then gain it all back in the next month.

How did your family like being around you when you were on this diet?

Do you think you made really good decisions when you were on this diet? Like buying that new car because you were angry at the squeak in the front tire of your old car or choosing to smoke cigarettes you cut out 20 years ago to help curve that craving for chocolate and other calories.

Probably not really good decisions.

I mean how can you be happy when you eat an apple for breakfast, a salad for lunch and steamed broccoli for dinner? Let alone making major decisions like what to do for your spouse on your 35th anniversary.

Diet, focus and happiness don’t go together.

The next time you see your pets running and hiding or your family disappearing and you’re left home alone and hungry, get out our book “Maverick Entrepreneurs’ Million Dollar Strategies.” In it you will read how hunger, thirst and exhaustion keep you from what you want in life.

For a $20 personally autographed copy, contact Suzanne at [email protected] .
Copyright 2019, The Bellune Co., Inc.