BJU robotics team places in IGVC Engineering Competition

June 7, 2017


The Bob Jones University robotics team recently placed second and third in the 25th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) held June 2—5 at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

The IGVC offers a design experience on the cutting edge of engineering education. It is multidisciplinary, theory-based, hands-on, team-implemented, outcome-assessed, and product-realization-based. The competition encompasses the latest technologies impacting industrial development, and students at all levels of undergraduate and graduate education can participate.

The BJU team placed second with its vehicle Bruin 2.0 in the Spec 2 low-speed vehicle competition, which required teams to produce a street legal, fully autonomous vehicle and perform a variety of challenges. The team also placed third in the Auto-Nav challenge by completing an outdoor obstacle course with its fully autonomous unmanned ground robotic vehicle, Lazarus.

The 2017 team, under the leadership of BJU engineering professor William Woodham, consisted of 2017 engineering grad and team leader Nathan Woehr, a resident of Marietta, South Carolina; 2017 engineering grad Adam Offord, a resident of Howard, Wisconsin; senior engineering major Brandon Woods, a resident of Greenville, South Carolina; senior engineering major John Smoker, a resident of Greer, South Carolina; senior engineering major David Zuehlke, a resident of Millersville, Maryland; and freshman engineering major Jonathan Barrett, a resident of Hartland, Michigan.

BJU competed against teams from the University of Detroit Mercy, Lawrence Technological University, Universite de Moncton, the Rochester Institute of Technology, Oakland University, Istanbul Technical University, Roger Williams University, Bluefield State College, the Indian Institute of Technology, the University of British Columbia, Hosei University, the United States Military Academy, the Florida Institute of Technology, Michigan Tech, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, Old Dominion University, West Virginia University, Georgia Tech, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Trinity College.