City of Columbia approves parking rate ordinance

December 5, 2024

During the City Council Meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, Columbia City Council amended and approved the new parking rate ordinance. Based on public feedback and extended discussions during the past few months with citizens, hospitality districts and other stakeholders, City leadership have made modifications to better accommodate our citizens, businesses and tourists coming into our City.

The City of Columbia increased parking rates are vital in order to reinvest revenue into the parking system and enhance the customer experience. The City will focus on infrastructure, maintenance, and repairs that are crucial to the overall quality and utilization of the parking decks throughout the system. Investments will also be made in operations, systems, innovation and aesthetics. A number of projects will take place immediately, with others projected over the next few years.

Some notable items in the new parking ordinance include:

  • No enforcement for on-street parking on Saturdays (Except for the Five Points District)
  • City-wide on street parking enforcement from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
  • 1st hour free in all City of Columbia Parking decks
  • Hospitality rooftop-only parking for $35/month
  • On-street parking rate of $1.50/hourly
  • Various increases in fines for parking citations
  • Owner occupant residential permits of $30 per vehicle (24-month period)
  • Owner occupant visitor permit of $24 per vehicle (24-month period)

The parking rate ordinance will go into effect on March 1, 2025 or at a later date. This will ensure City of Columbia staff has adequate time to effectively educate citizens and the business community about the new parking rate ordinance well in advance of the ordinance taking effect.