City of Columbia to host Talent Retention Fair

January 31, 2025

WHO: City of Columbia, Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Columbia Opportunity Resource, and Midlands Business Leadership Group

WHAT Join us for the first ever Columbia Talent Retention Fair, an exciting event designed to connect students and graduates with local career, internship, and networking opportunities. This initiative was inspired by Mayor Rickenmann’s Collegiate Engagement Council, which represents students from all higher education institutions in Columbia. Recognizing the need for enhanced access to professional pathways within our community, the City of Columbia collaborated to bring this dynamic event to life with the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Columbia Opportunity Resource, and the Midlands Business Leadership Group.

This fair will feature a diverse array of industry partners, organizations, and community leaders eager to engage with the region’s emerging talent. Whether you’re seeking internships, full-time positions, or professional connections, the Talent Retention Fair offers a unique platform to explore opportunities and build your future right here in Columbia.

Don’t miss this chance to invest in your career or business while staying rooted in your community. Mark your calendar and prepare to take your next big step!

WHEN: Monday, February 17, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

WHERE: Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln St, Columbia, SC 29201

To register for the City of Columbia Talent Retention Fair, please visit, Columbia Talent Retention Fair | Columbia Chamber of Commerce