click2try(TM) Demonstrates Virtualized Open Source Delivery at SouthEast LinuxFest

June 3, 2009

Spreads the word about Open Source with Silver Sponsor status

HOUSTON,  TX – June 2, 2009 – click2try, a community site that makes it easy to try and use Open Source software, today announced it will be demonstrating its ( site featuring virtualized Open Source applications at SouthEast LinuxFest on June 13th at Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina.

click2try provides a catalog of more than 40 Open Source applications that visitors can try for free, right from a browser without downloading any software. The catalog provides resources for each application, including links to the main development sites, as well as links to documentation, tutorials, and reviews. Additionally, provides quick-start guides and tutorials, as well as video tutorials for some applications.

SouthEast LinuxFest is led and organized completely by volunteers, and is sponsored by a number of commercial sponsors, including click2try. The speakers at the SouthEast LinuxFest are a veritable Who’s Who of the Linux, Open Source, and Free Software communities, and represent such projects and companies as OpenSuse, Red Hat, Fedora, Google, Canonical/Ubuntu, Sun Microsystems, Digium, Slackware, and many others. The event is open and free to the public.

We’re proud to be part of this community and to be involved in SouthEast LinuxFest. Our mission is to make it as easy to use Open Source software as it is to visit your favorite website, says Mario Grech, click2try CEO. Each time we attend one of these events, we meet very insightful people that help us improve the Open Source experience for those visiting the website. We are looking forward to showing off the site at Clemson and receiving feedback from the LinuxFest attendees.

click2try includes Open Source community applications, exclusively. The applications currently include content management applications Joomla!, Drupal, SilverStripe, WordPress; Wiki platforms like TikiWiki, DokuWiki, and MediaWiki; ERP applications like OpenERP, PostBooks, and Openbravo; CRM applications SugarCRM and vTiger; project management tools like dotProject and GanttProject; monitoring and network management tools like Cacti; human resource management systems OrangeHRM and TimeTrex; a variety of developer tools including Trac/SVN, Eclipse, Bugzilla, Mantis, Request Tracker: RT, Redmine; productivity tools like Freemind and OxygenOffice; and Linux distributions like CentOS. Upcoming distros include Ubuntu, Fedora Core, and others.

About SouthEast LinuxFest

SouthEast LinuxFest, held Saturday, June 13th in Clemson, South Carolina, will feature internationally recognized speakers from leading companies and well-known Open Source projects, as well as exhibits and demonstrations for a wide range of interests and technical abilities, appealing to those looking for cost-effective technical solutions. SouthEast LinuxFest (SELF) was founded to educate the public about all aspects of Open Source and Free software, and is an all-volunteer organization.

For more information, visit

About click2try

click2try is a content-rich, Community-driven Web site for sourcing, testing, evaluating, and hosting existing Open Source software products on pre-configured virtual appliances. With the most comprehensive collection of information on selected Open Source software applications online, click2try is committed to extending the access and the usability of Open Source software to as many people as possible by making it simple, reliable and economical to use.

For more information, visit