Columbia Educator to Head National Education Group
March 3, 2009Columbia educator to lead National Association of Economic Educators
COLUMBIA, SC – March 3, 2009 – Helen Meyers, president of the SC Council on Economic Education (SCCEE), has been elected to head up the nation’s premier association of economics teachers, the National Association of Economics Educators (NAEE). Meyers will serve a three-year term: as president-elect in 2009; president in 2010; and past president in 2011.
NAEE’s primary goal is to promote the quality and quantity of economic education in the nation’s K-12 schools by providing professional development opportunities for educators. With experience from South Carolina’s own Council on Economic Education, Meyers understands the importance of promoting and supplying teacher resources and workshops for economic and financial education.
Gary Stone, director of Winthrop University’s Center for Economic Education, commenting on Meyers’ election said, “Helen’s election does more than bring our state recognition. It also strengthens our own economic council, allowing us to tap into resources we didn’t have before.”
The SC Council on Economic Education, housed in USC’s Moore School of Business, is a non-profit business-education partnership dedicated to providing teachers with continuing education in economics and personal finance. SCCEE’s goal is every student leave high school with a sound understanding of economic and financial principles.
Media Contact:
Michele Reap