Dreher High Students Compete in SE Regional EconomicsChallenge

May 5, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – May 5, 2009 – Columbia’s Dreher High School took second place in the Adam Smith Division of the Southeast Regional EconomicsChallenge, April 27 at the Federal Reserve in Atlanta.

Nicholas Adkins, Phillip Cross, Noah Fram and Austin Hamlin competed against eight other teams from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and Virginia. They lost in a tiebreaker match. The four students were coached by teacher Karen Brown.

The EconomicsChallenge is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of economic literacy by competing against their peers. The competition begins on the state level then advances to the regional culminating with the national competition in New York City. The SC EconomicsChallenge is sponsored by the SC Council on Economic Education (SCCEE). The Dreher High team won the South Carolina state championship in late March beating out nine other teams. The competition is made up of the Adam Smith and David Ricardo divisions, named for the two political economists. The Adam Smith Division is restricted to students enrolled in courses labeled Advanced Placement or college level. Any two-semester economics course also falls in this division. The David Ricardo Division is restricted to students enrolled in general economics classes. Columbia’s Ridge View High School represented South Carolina at the Southeast Regional Competition in the David Ricardo Division.

The SC Council on Economic Education

The SC Council on Economic Education is a non-profit business-education partnership dedicated to providing teachers with the tools and resources needed to educate South Carolina’s students about financial literacy, economic principles and the changing global economy. To learn more about the Council, go to www.sceconomics.org.