Federal Government awards million-dollar grant to fund land acquisition of Barry Tract
January 21, 2025Project to Further Conserve Green Space, Protect the Environment, and Provide New Public Park
On January 8, 2025, the final piece of funding was awarded for acquisition of the 67-acre Barry Tract within the Dorchester County portion of the Ashley River Historic District. In partnership with the Lowcountry Land Trust, the South Carolina Conservation Bank secured a $1,000,000 federal grant through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program, aimed at protecting, restoring, and enhancing coastal wetland ecosystems and associated uplands.
This new land acquisition of the Barry Tract will conserve more than 60 acres of green space and protect local wetlands and wildlife habitat, while providing a passive nature park with public access to the Ashley River, including trails and educational opportunities related to the site’s historical significance dating back to the late 1600s.
Jason Ayers, Coordinator of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s South Carolina Coastal Program, said, “Coastal wetlands are vitally important, protecting us from floods, filtering our water, supporting recreation and local economies, and providing habitat for fish and wildlife. Despite their importance, there has been a steady loss of coastal wetlands across South Carolina and the Southeast. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to promoting coastal sustainability with healthy natural areas, vibrant economies, and resilient communities through financial assistance, supported in part by the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. Our partners, including the South Carolina Conservation Bank and the Lowcountry Land Trust, have been crucial in our conservation efforts. Through this partnership and collaboration, important coastal resources will be protected along the Ashley River, benefiting the citizens of Dorchester County for generations to come.”
Dorchester County Council has further supported the project by voting to approve $975,000 of its Greenbelt Fund, which designates financial support for conservation and protection of the county’s natural resources. The land acquisition is Dorchester County Government’s second investment from its Greenbelt Fund. These funds were granted to Lowcountry Land Trust, a non-profit committed to conservation, protection of local wetlands and waterways, and providing publicly accessible properties.
Funding and support from state and local partners are critical components of securing the Barry Tract for conservation and open green space. Lowcountry Land Trust has also obtained a $100,000 grant directly from the South Carolina Conservation Bank.
Other matching fund partners assisting with the land purchase include Dorchester Trust Foundation with $25,000; the Ceres Foundation with $25,000; and Atlantic Packaging/Ka Foundation with $200,000.
For media inquiries, contact Dorchester County Government’s Public Information Officer Erin Pomrenke at epomrenke@dorchestercountysc.