Furman History Professor, Lloyd Benson, Receives Excellence in Teaching Award

May 5, 2009

GREENVILLE, SC – May 5, 2009 – Lloyd Benson, a professor of history at Furman University, has been awarded a 2009 Excellence in Teaching Award from the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) organization.

The SCICU annually recognizes one faculty member at each of its 20 member colleges and universities.  Previous winners from Furman are Brannon Andersen (Earth and Environmental Sciences), Gil Einstein (Psychology) and Elizabeth Smith (Political Science).

Benson, who earned his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Virginia, is the Walter Kenneth Mattison Professor of History at Furman. He joined the faculty in 1990.

Benson was an influential member of Furman’s Curriculum Review Committee, which developed a sweeping revision of the university’s curriculum and academic calendar that went into effect this academic year.  He also spearheaded the development and implementation of “May Experience,” which offers non-traditional courses and travel study programs that enable students to extend and expand their Furman experience.

In addition, Furman was named a “2008 Technology Innovator” by Campus Technology Magazine for a project designed by Benson’s class in urban history. The project used off-the-shelf and homegrown technologies to enable students on campus to explore urban design and the historical forces that shape the cities of Boston and New York.

Established in 1953, SCICU has a primary mission of promoting independent higher education in South Carolina. The organization seeks to advance independent higher education through fund raising, scholarships, research and collaboration among the 20 member institutions.

For more information, contact Furman’s News and Media Relations office at 864-294-3107.