Furman University names Baez Director of Counseling Center

June 19, 2017

Thomas Baez, who has served as director of counseling services at the University of Texas at San Antonio for the past 11 years, has joined Furman University as director of the counseling center. He began his new duties on June 12.

“Dr. Baez is an experienced therapeutic practitioner who also has a mind for strategic planning, implementation and the assessment of practice outcomes,” said Furman Vice President for Student Life Connie Carson. “He is inheriting a seasoned team of professionals, and we are excited about how his leadership will complement an already strong program.”

The counseling center director is responsible for planning, coordinating and managing the full array of mental health services provided to Furman students through the counseling center and serves as a consultant to the university community regarding mental health and well-being.

In addition to his tenure at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Baez has worked at the University of Michigan, New Mexico State University, and the University of Florida.

Baez also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, and he is a Senior Field Visitor with the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. He earned his Ph.D. at Michigan State University, M.A. at Ball State University and B.A. at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.

For more information, contact Furman’s University Communications office at 864-294-2185.