Historic Columbia Foundation’s Early Columbia Lecture Series Kicks Off September 4

August 22, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – August 21, 2012 – In honor of Historic Columbia Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, the Foundation is pleased to offer a three-part Lecture Series on the history of Columbia, South Carolina. Part III of the Early Columbia Lecture Series, hosted by historian and author WarnerMontgomery, Ph.D will cover the Twentieth Century: Columbia Celebrates 200 years, meeting Tuesdays, September 4 – October 9. Lectures will meet at 6 pm at the Seibels House, 1601 Richland Street.

Topics Covered During Each Lecture (Part III):

  • Sept 4: Boom, Bam, Boom (1920s, 1930s, 1940s)
  • Sept 11: Main Street: Business and Commerce
  • Sept 18:  Urban Renewal and Suburban Annexation
  • Sept 25: Desegregation and Local Control
  • Oct 2: Schools, Hospitals, and Public Services
  • Oct 9: Mayors, Leaders, and Vision
  • Optional Bus Tour: Sunday, September 16, 2012, 2:00 PM -5:00 PM

The cost for Part III of the series is $50 for HCF members (or $55 with bus tour), $60 for guests (or $70 with bus tour), and $35 for students withvalid ID (or $45 with bus tour). Register by downloading the print-friendly registration form

Then, email your registration form to [email protected]g OR mail to 1601 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

About Warner M. Montgomery
Warner M. Montgomery, Ph.D, graduate of the University of South Carolina and the University of Michigan, began his professional career as a teacher and coach at the new A.C. Flora High School in Forest Acres in 1960. After teaching in Thailand, Michigan, Ohio, Africa, and Canada, he returned to Columbia in 1989 as owner-publisher of the Columbia Star newspaper. He is now retired and writes and teaches about the history of Columbia.

About Historic Columbia Foundation
In November 1961, a small group of individuals intent on savingthe Ainsley Hall House from demolition, officially incorporated as theHistoric Columbia Foundation. Over the next five decades theorganization, which was founded on the premise ofpreservation andeducation, would take on the stewardship of seven historicproperties inRichland County. Today, the organization serves as a model for localpreservation efforts and interpretation of local history. The 50thAnniversary year of Historic Columbia Foundation (which officially beganonNovember 13, 2011) will include a variety of community celebratoryevents. Visit http://www.historiccolumbia.org for details.

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