International Wind-Energy Specialist to Visit Charleston
April 7, 2009NORTH CHARLESTON, SC – April 7, 2009 – The Clemson University Restoration Institute, a partner in Palmetto Wind, South Carolina’s pioneering offshore wind-farm initiative, is bringing international alternative-energy specialist Nick Longfield for a luncheon presentation on the logistics of developing offshore wind farms.
Longfield’s visit is made possible by the Propeller Club of Charleston and Southeastern Power Administration.
Propeller Club members and guests are invited to meet Longfield, managing director of Ocean Marine Services Ltd. of the United Kingdom, from noon to 1:30 p.m., April 16, at the Altman Athletic Center at The Citadel where he will discuss the development of offshore wind farms, from concept to implementation.
His presentation also may be of interest to maritime and transportation companies interested in new business opportunities.
Longfield has more than 35 years experience in the maritime and alternative-energy industries. He has been involved in Great Britain’s offshore wind farm initiatives since their onset, including conducting site surveys and developing techniques for environmental impact studies.
South Carolina has the potential to be the site of the first offshore wind farm in the United States.
A growing coastal population will strain existing electricity resources, pushing demand for new sources. Further, relatively shallow offshore waters are ideal for wind-farm construction, and Charleston’s state-of-the-art cargo port will help the flow of construction supplies.
By 2030, one-fifth of electricity generated nationwide is forecast to come from coastal or offshore wind farms, according to U.S. Department of Energy estimates. South Carolina utility Santee Cooper has committed to generating 40 percent of its power from non-greenhouse gas and biomass sources by 2020.
The cost of the luncheon is $25 for Propeller Club members, $30 for guests. Advance registration is recommended. Contact Joanne Fogg at 843-579-6508 or [email protected].
The Clemson University Restoration Institute
The mission of the Clemson University Restoration Institute is to advance knowledge in integrative approaches to the restoration and sustainability of historic, ecological and urban infrastructure resources, and drive economic growth. The institute’s vision is to build a sustainable future through education, collaborative restoration research and strategic partnerships. Visit the Web site at