Laurens County School District 55 Holds Legislative Breakfast 2025
January 19, 2025On January 9, 2025, Laurens County School District 55 (LCSD 55) Superintendent Dr. Jody Penland welcomed members of the LCSD 55 School Board of Trustees, staff, community leaders & members, and legislators/designees from the local and state levels to the 2025 Legislative Breakfast. Breakfast immediately followed the welcome, then introductions were made.
LCSD 55 School Board Members in attendance were Chairperson Cathy Little, Vice-Chairperson Anthony Carpenter, Secretary Peggy Nance, Heather Elders, Tabitha Keitt, and Mike Hughes. Former LCSD 55 School Board Member Bubba Rawl came to represent the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE). Rawl serves as the SCDE Director of Safe Schools.
Local and state legislators/designees who attended were Danielle Gibbs (Senator Tim Scott’s Office), SC District 42 Representative Doug Gilliam, SC State Senator Danny Verdin III, and SC State Representative Luke Rankin.
Laurens County Council Members in attendance were Vice-Chairman Matthew Brownlee, Shirley Clark, W. Brown Patterson, Jr., and Justin Lane. Other local elected officials present were Town of Gray Court Mayor Stellartean Jones, Waterloo Mayor Barbara Smith, and City of Laurens Councilor Marian Miller.
Laurens County Development Corporation (LCDC) President Jonathan Coleman and Vice President Lynn Finley were also seated at the table. Amanda Banfield, outgoing President and Chief Executive Officer of the Laurens County Chamber and incoming Director of Community Relations for the City of Fountain Inn, was also present.
LCSD 55 Cabinet Members at the meeting were Assistant Superintendent Dr. Rhett Harris, Human Resources Director Renee Madden, Student Nutrition Services Director Wanda Knight, Chief Financial Officer Jim Lollis, Teaching & Learning Director Wendy Burgess, Technology Director Danny Frady, Office of Special Education Services Director Lisa Laird, Procurement & Compliance Director Bryan Gresham, and Coordinator of Communications Faye Colley.
Following the introductions, Dr. Penland shared a video showcasing the 5-Star Culture of Excellence he is building with LCSD 55 staff members. Penland also shared about himself and his goal to make a difference. He then gave an overview of the district’s demographics and needs. He discussed the needs and plans for the Laurens Career and Technology Education (CATE) Center, the LCSD 55 Facilities Study & capital improvement needs, and the district’s progress with the Laurens Educators Achieving Results to Net Success (LEARNS) program.
Before opening the floor for questions, Representative Doug Gilliam and Senator Verdin III shared the background, progress, and expectations regarding the funding of the Laurens CATE Center.
Dr. Penland wrapped the gathering with words of appreciation for all attendees and a request to spread the needs of the district and the need for funding.
Representative Rankin stated, “It was an honor to join District 55 for their Legislative Breakfast. I commend Superintendent Dr. Jody Penland and all the staff for their hard work and dedication to making a positive difference in Laurens County. I look forward to being an active partner with District 55 Leadership as I serve and represent Laurens County in Columbia.”
Community members are encouraged to reach Dr. Penland for partnership opportunities to help LCSD 55 build, maintain, and operate the Laurens CATE Center and generate capital improvement funds. Please reach Dr. Penland at [email protected].