Litter Prevention & Beautification Efforts Continue to Grow Across Laurens County
June 14, 2021Laurens County Council, the City of Clinton, City of Fountain Inn, and City of Laurens, in partnership with the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce and the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office are cracking down on litter through the Litter Prevention Task Force. The County wide partnership includes areas of impact, enforcement, and education. A press conference will be held in Downtown Laurens, the County seat, on Tuesday, June 22 at 5:00 pm, on the north side of the Historic Courthouse. This event is a celebration of the combined Anti-Litter & Beautification efforts across Laurens County. County Council Chair, Brown Patterson, Mayor of Clinton, Bob McLean, Mayor of Fountain Inn, GP McLeer, Mayor of Laurens, Nathan Senn, Laurens County Sheriff, Don Reynolds, and Chamber President and CEO, Amanda Munyan, along with councils, staff, volunteers, and additional supporters plan to host the event.
The Litter Prevention Task Force has worked to develop a plan and the implementation process is progressing. The unified message across Laurens County is clear, Laurens County leadership is engaged, and everyone is encouraged to participate.
Over the past few months Laurens County municipal Councils have reviewed and passed individual litter control ordinances and resolutions to blanket the County. All law enforcement officers now have the authority to enforce litter control and regulatory compliance in the County and City limits.
The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office recently hired a full time Litter Patrol Officer, working with inmates on roadside clean ups and enforcing the litter laws, dump sites have been identified and are being monitored, a Tarp it Campaign is in effect, and the Quarterly Community Clean Ups, partnering with the Chamber of Commerce, continue.
The Litter Prevention Task Force has also been working with Mallory Coffey, Community Outreach Program Manager for Keep South Carolina Beautiful through Palmetto Pride and plans to hire an Affiliate Coordinator, housed under the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce umbrella. This Affiliate Coordinator position will be privately and publicly funded with support from Laurens County Council, the City of Clinton, City of Fountain Inn, City of Laurens, and the Laurens County Development Corporation. Through the work of this Coordinator, Laurens County will become a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, securing more grant opportunities and support from experts. This position will oversee volunteers, trainings, grant writing, and multiple anti-litter related initiatives, progressing Laurens County’s collaborative effort to crack down on litter. The Affiliate Coordinator position will officially open on June 22, with a resume submission deadline of July 18. Additional information may be requested, and resumes can be submitted to Amanda Munyan, LCCC President and CEO: [email protected].