Local fatherhood organization to host “Father’s Day Celebration” on Saturday, June 26

June 24, 2021

Statistics show a father’s value is tremendous. Kids with active and engaged fathers are more likely to go to college, less likely to spend time in jail, and more likely to excel in career and economic achievements. On the other hand, children without an engaged father are more likely to experience child poverty, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, incarceration, and more.

According to a report published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, children in South Carolina are more likely to be raised in a single-parent household than children in any other state in the country except for Mississippi. That means many children in our state are being raised without the benefits of having a dad at home.

With the tremendous impact that fathers can have in mind, one local nonprofit is working hard to help fathers in the Lowcountry become a positive influence in their children’s lives. Father to Father, Inc. (F2F) offers father-centered programs that enable men to develop the knowledge, confidence, and skills to become responsible fathers and co-parents.

F2F Executive Director, Tom Swanciger, describes the program, “Our mission is to empower men to be better dads; we do that through a holistic approach of different 24-week educational components where we focus on things like healthy relationships, economic mobility, men’s health, and parenting. So it’s really about rebuilding the relationship with the father, child, and the child’s mother.” The organization’s unofficial slogan is “Strong Dads = Strong Families.”

Father’s Day may be over, but the fun is just getting started at Father to Father. As an organization whose focus is to empower & engage fathers, F2F is all about celebrating Father’s Day in a big way. Enter their annual Father’s Day Celebration – Father to Father, Inc. has planned a free, family-friendly community event for Saturday, June 26 from 12-3pm. The Father’s Day Celebration is open to the public and will have all of your cookout favorites like burgers, hotdogs, and BBQ as well as a game truck, jump castles, ice cream truck, a DJ, and a cornhole tournament with cash prizes! The celebration will take place at F2F’s North Charleston office located at 5675 Woodbine Avenue, North Charleston. Learn more about the event via Father to Father’s website or their Facebook event.


About Father to Father, Inc.

Father to Father, Inc. (F2F) is a local nonprofit working to help Lowcountry fathers become the dads they’ve always wanted to be. F2F provides free community-based programs and support groups for fathers and helps fathers connect to other services they need so they can meet their responsibilities and secure their parental rights. Father to Father, Inc. believes a father’s value is tremendous, and that’s why it’s so important to show fathers the important contributions they can make.