Local news and covid-19

April 6, 2020
Jerry Bellune

By Jerry Bellune


An urgent note to our readers and visitors:

In trying times, truth matters more than ever.

The more accurate local news gets out to our community, the better all of us are prepared to take care of ourselves and loved ones.’

We invite you to help us spread accurate, factual local reporting on the covid-19 pandemic to your relatives, friends and neighbors.

We have lowered the paywall on LexingtonChronicle.com where non-subscribers can read the news, too.

We appreciate the support of our subscribers and advertisers to help us do this for the community.

We hear daily about new scams and fake news being distributed on social media and email. Much of this is done by criminals who want to victimize the unwary.

If you detect such misinformation – or worse, disinformation – please email [email protected]

We thank you for helping us circulate accurate local news to your relatives, friends and neighbors.

You can play an important role in our shared mission.