Many Midlands Technical College Continuing Education Programs Free to Soldiers Through New Army Funding

February 17, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – February 17, 2009 –  For over a year now, Midlands Technical College Continuing Education has worked to aid soldiers and their families transitioning from service with the college’s Quick Jobs programs. Quick Jobs are an excellent alternative for anyone who doesn’t seek a college degree but needs to gain skills for employment or get specialized training to supplement an existing degree.

The US Army has a long history of offering tuition assistance to soldiers for academic-credit programs, but until now, there has been no funding available for soldiers interested in non-credit courses.


Starting this February, the Army made available a substantial amount of money to support the Army’s Soldier Vocational-Technical Training Program (AVOTEC). This new, short-term pilot program targets soldiers seeking occupational training that provides a capstone test or certification. These certifications/licensures are non-degree based and must be completed within 18 months. 

The AVOTEC program seeks to provide training in high-demand career fields to help soldiers find employment after they transition out of the Army. The program is available to all active-duty soldiers to include National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers on extended active duty.

Midlands Technical College is currently the only college in South Carolina with programs approved for AVOTEC funding. MTC has also earned the distinction of being the first college in the nation to have a soldier registered through the new program. The soldier, PFC Angela V. Baskin, is registered in MTC’s cake decorating certificate program.

src=img/avotec4.JPGBrenda Johnson, Education Services Specialist at Fort Jackson, said, “The new AVOTEC program is a welcomed benefit for the Fort Jackson Warrior-in-Transition (WTU) soldiers. It has encouraged more WTU soldiers to pursue a technical field of study, who would not otherwise enroll in an academically accredited program.”

Shirley O’Neal, Education Services Officer at Fort Jackson, said, “When soldiers depart the military with military specialties that are not transferable to civilian jobs, it is difficult to make a smooth transition. This program is designed to prepare soldiers in securing civilian jobs with the right credentials.”

MTC Continuing Education has approximately 72 certifications and Quick Jobs that are approved for AVOTEC funding. For more information and a complete list of programs, visit

Pictured in photos above:

PFC Angela V. Baskin (in uniform)
Brenda G. Johnson, Education Services Specialist, Soldier Family Assistance Center (SFAC) at Fort Jackson (in black print dress)
Sue Martin, cake decorating instructor, who has been teaching at MTC since 1982  (in apron)