More Than 2,000 Receive Degrees at Clemson Commencement Ceremonies

May 13, 2009

View recorded video from the ceremony

CLEMSON, SC – May 13, 2009 – Clemson University conferred more the 2,000 degrees and two honorary degrees at Friday’s Commencement ceremonies.

The colleges of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences; Architecture, Arts and Humanities; and Engineering and Science conferred degrees in the morning ceremony at Littlejohn Coliseum. The College of Business and Behavioral Science and the College of Health, Education and Human Development ceremony was in the afternoon.

John Bruce Pitner, former director of the Clemson Pee Dee Research and Education Center, received an honorary Doctorate of Humanities and Hansjörg Wyss, former CEO of Synthes Inc., received an honorary Doctorate of Engineering.

Pitner spent 32 years working for Clemson, first as chairman of the agronomy and soils department, then as director of the Clemson Pee Dee Research and Education Center in Florence. He received his Ph.D. in soils chemistry from the University of Wisconsin and began his career as an agronomist at Mississippi State University.

“It is an honor and a privilege to be here today,” Pitner said in accepting his degree. “I never could’ve imagined as a young man in Mississippi that I would be here today.

“I encourage you to take the time to thank the people who have helped you get to this important milestone in your lives,” Pitner told the graduates.

Wyss led Synthes Inc. for more than 30 years. Synthes Inc. is a global medical device company that provides surgical instruments and implants that have revolutionized the way surgeons treat the traumas that afflict the human skeleton. Wyss built the company into a $3.2 billion organization with more than 10,000 employees worldwide.

“Today is a day of celebration. Enjoy it as you look to your future,” Wyss said to the students. “My wish for you is that you will be successful and have an opportunity to build on the foundations you have received here at Clemson.”

Of the degrees conferred, 2,069 were bachelor’s degrees, 403 master’s degrees and 77 Ph.D.s.

The university also presented several awards at the ceremonies.

Watch recorded video of Friday’s Commencement ceremonies.