Nancy Thompson is 2009-2010 District Level Administrator of the Year
May 27, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – May 27, 2009 – Nancy Thompson is the recipient of the SC Association of School Administrators’ (SCASA) 2009-2010 District Level Administrator of the Year award.
Thompson has served in Laurens County School District 55 for the past 32 years, currently holding the title as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Prior to this assignment she was a teacher, assistant principal and principal.
She played a major role in the Montessori program in South Carolina and was instrumental in the formation of the South Carolina Montessori Alliance (SCMA), serving as the first chairman of the board of directors. Thompson currently serves as a member of the SCASA Executive Board and for the past seven years as an active member of the Instructional Leaders Roundtable.
“Nancy has had an outstanding career in Laurens County School District 55 and in South Carolina at large,” stated Dr. Edgar Taylor, superintendent Laurens County School District 55.
She is responsible for many district accomplishments such as implementation of district-wide instructional coaching initiative and creation of a standards-based progress report for students in PreK-8th.
SCASA is the professional organization for school leaders in South Carolina, with a membership of more than 2,900. From professional development opportunities and research, to publications and legislative advocacy, SCASA’s focus is to support school leaders in providing the best possible education for South Carolina’s young people. As a state affiliate of three national associations for school leaders, SCASA also works on the national level.