Rank your business on the SWAG Meter

July 17, 2019
Jerry Bellune

By Jerry Bellune


Last week we talked about you and your business’s SWAG. That’s:

S = Self Confidence. Customers trust you because you believe in yourself.

W = Wonderment. Your confidence creates their feelings of being amazed.

A = Assertiveness. You don’t wait for something to happen. You make it happen.

G = Greatness. You don’t settle for just being good. You aim to be great.

To find out where you stand on the “SWAG Meter” score yourself between 1 being low and 25 high for Self Confidence, Wonderment, Assertiveness and Greatness. Be absolutely honest with yourself. Don’t rate yourself better than you know you are.

Add the numbers. What’s your score?

90 – 100 is excellent. You are highly profitable helping customers. Keep it going.

80 – 89 is pretty good, but what can you do to really step it up to hit the next level?

70 – 79 means you need to pay more attention. Your business is not standing out. What are others you admire doing?

60 – 69 means you may not be in the right business. Is it time for an overhaul? Start by discussing it with customers. What more do they want from you?

We share such ideas in “Maverick Entrepreneurs’ Million Dollar Strategies.”

For a $20 personally autographed copy, contact us at 803-359-7633 or email [email protected].
Copyright 2019, The Bellune Co., Inc.