S.C. BlueCross Foundation Grants $200,000 for Mental Health Services in Orangeburg County Schools
May 31, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – May 29, 2009 – The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation today presented a $200,000 grant for mental health services to be started in Orangeburg County Consolidated School District 3 and Orangeburg County Consolidated School District 5.
The grant, to be spread over three years, will fund school-based mental health services to be provided in the two school districts in Orangeburg County. Checks for $100,000 will be presented to each of the two school district to contract with the S.C. Department of Mental Health, which will place full time professional mental health counselors in Lake Marion High School and Bethune-Bowman Middle/High School.
These grants are a continuation of a statewide program to support mental health services in public schools started in 2007 with 10 school districts.
The celebratory check presentation event was held at the Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College. Local and state dignitaries were on hand to make remarks at the event.
“The implementation of a school-based mental health program to ensure that school children have access to a full-time, qualified mental health professional will improve the health and well being of South Carolina’s students,” said Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter of Orangeburg County. “Thanks to assistance from the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation, quality mental health care will be available in school districts across the state and especially here in Orangeburg County.”
“This grant will enable us to assist schools in earlier identification of potential emotional disturbances and will assist parents, teachers, school nurses and counselors in comprehensive strategies for resolving mental health issues,” said DMH Director John H. Magill. “Students and their families will benefit from a range of services, including early intervention, classroom education groups, parent groups and workshops, and case management services.”
“Mental Health services are underfunded in our schools,” said Foundation Executive Director Harvey Galloway. “We hope our grant helps raise awareness of the impact that untreated mental health disorders can have on children’s development and well-being.
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation
Headquartered in Columbia, S.C., the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is a licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Its mission is to promote the health of South Carolinians and to expand access to health care for the economically disadvantaged by supporting integrated research, education and community service.