SC Students Outperform National Trends in Latest NAEP Results

January 29, 2025

South Carolina students continue to demonstrate remarkable resilience as they recover from pandemic-related disruptions

South Carolina students continue to demonstrate remarkable resilience as they recover from pandemic-related disruptions, according to the latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), commonly known as the Nation’s Report Card.

South Carolina 4th graders are outpacing their national peers in both math and reading, while economically disadvantaged students in the state are defying national trends of declines with notable progress in key areas.

“These results are a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our students, educators, and families,” said State Superintendent Ellen Weaver. “South Carolina is beating the national odds in recovering from pandemic disruptions.”

By The Numbers:

  • 4th Grade Math: South Carolina students scored an average of 238, one point higher than pre-pandemic levels and four points higher than 2022, marking a statistically significant increase.
  • 4th Grade Reading: While scoring one point below pre-pandemic levels, SC students exceeded the national average.
  • 8th Grade Math & Reading: Scores held steady with no significant decreases, unlike the national trend of declines.
  • Economically Disadvantaged Students: Maintained or improved performance in 4th- and 8th-grade assessments, defying a national trend of significant declines for this student group.

4th Grade Results (SC average score compared to national public)



8th Grade Results (SC average score compared to national public)



The Challenge:

Despite the encouraging progress, South Carolina recognizes that challenges remain. Mastering foundational skills in literacy and math remains critical for all students. The 8th-grade math and reading results demonstrate a need for a renewed focus and targeted support in middle schools. Additionally, persistent achievement gaps among demographic groups highlight the importance of sustained efforts to ensure every student has the tools they need to succeed.

Driving Progress with Strategic Initiatives:

South Carolina is committed to addressing these areas to build on the state’s momentum and drive continued improvement:

  • Palmetto Math Project: This initiative targets underperforming schools with high-dose tutoring, instructional coaching, and comprehensive support to boost math achievement.
  • Science of Reading Training: Nearly all K-3 teachers in South Carolina are now trained or actively participating in evidence-based literacy instruction, ensuring students build a strong foundation in reading.
  • Summer Reading Camps Expansion: Starting this summer, first graders not demonstrating grade-level reading proficiency will join the program, further reinforcing the state’s commitment to early intervention.

What They’re Saying:

“These results confirm what we see every day in our schools: South Carolina students and educators are resilient and relentless in their pursuit of excellence,” said Superintendent Weaver. “We are committed to building on this momentum to ensure that every child in our state graduates high school ready for college, a career, or military service.”

4th Grade Average Scale Score Change from 2019-2024 (SC)

8th Grade Average Scale Score Change from 2019-2024

Looking Ahead:

The South Carolina Department of Education is doubling down on efforts to close achievement gaps and provide a strong academic foundation for all students. With the adoption of new math standards, high-quality instructional materials, and expanded early literacy initiatives, the state is poised to sustain and amplify these gains in the years to come.

About the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP):

NAEP is the largest nationally representative assessment of what students in the United States know and can do in core subjects such as math and reading. The 2024 results reflect the performance of approximately 3,600 South Carolina 4th and 8th graders from schools representing the state’s diverse demographics. For more information and to view the full NAEP results, visit