SCRA Forms Strategic Advisory Group to Further Serve Federal Agency Business Needs

July 2, 2010

CHARLESTON, SC -JULY 1, 2010 – SCRA, a South Carolina-basedglobal leaderin applied research and commercialization, has formed a StrategicAdvisory Group, comprised of high-level thought leaders who representthe Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, aswell as large industry, small business and the venture capitalinvestment community.  The Group members’ extensive experience and deepknowledge of the Federal market and national security issues andrequirements will assist in execution of SCRA’s long-term strategicbusiness plan.

TheSCRA Strategic Advisory Group members are:

·         ViceAdmiralAlbert J. Baciocco, Jr., USN (Ret.)

·         ChristopherD.Brady, Chairman and Managing Director, The ChartGroup

·         LieutenantGeneralLawrence P. Farrell, Jr., USAF (Ret) President of the NationalDefense Industrial Association

·         Hon.GeorgeW, Foresman, former Undersecretary with the US Department ofHomelandSecurity

·         ThomasF.Hash, former President of Bechtel National,Inc.

·         DarrylK.Horne, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of HorneInternational, Inc.

·         AdmiralTimothyJ. Keating, USN (Ret.)

·         GeneralBarryR. McCaffrey,USA (Ret.),President of BR McCAFFREYAssociates, LLC

·         GeneralCharlesE. Wilhelm, USMC (Ret.)


Throughlong-standing partnerships, SCRA has implemented successful businessoutcomesfor multiple mission-oriented Federal government agencies. Examplesinclude amilitary e-commerce system and a large, ordnancetechnologyconsortium. SCRA has developed and delivered importantinnovations for its Federal and corporate clients in advancedmaritimetechnologies, advancedmaterials, healthcare, interoperability and clean energy.


SCRA-ledteams develop and deliver innovative solutions to solve complex clientchallenges. Its applied research and commercialization programs,InnovationCenters and research parks have generated a cumulative economiccontribution ofmore than $13.7B toSouthCarolina since its inception in1983.

Clickhereto read a recent, related press release:

SCRAHosts ForumtoConnect SC Launch Companies andFederal Government Agencies




SCRA is a globalleaderin applied research and commercialization services with its HeadquartersinSouthCarolina. SCRA collaborates to advancetechnology,providing technology-based solutions with assured outcomes to industryandgovernment, with the help of research universities in SC, theUS and around theworld.