Two SC schools, one district recognized for character education Promising Practices

July 2, 2010

COLUMBIA, SC – July 2, 2010 – Two public schools and one SouthCarolina school district are among the 230 winners of “PromisingPractices” awards announced recently by the Character EducationPartnership headquartered in Washington, DC.

Promising Practices is part of the organization’s National Schools ofCharacter recognition program.  The state’s latest winners are B.D.Lee Elementary in Gaffney, IndianLand Middle School in Lancaster County and SpartanburgSchool District Six in Roebuck. 

The partnership said their winning practices include new and effectiveways to help students solve conflicts, decrease bullying and take actionin their schools and communities, as well as programs to increaseparent and community involvement.
B.D. Lee Elementary was named a state-level School of Character winnerearlier this year.  The school’s philosophy is based on the principlethat children should be taught by example, so students see adultstreating everyone with respect. Teachers seize teachable moments wherelessons can be learned by behavior.

Indian Land Middle also received state-level School of Character honorsthis year.  The school’s efforts include teachers’ recognizingoutstanding character by mailing positive action note cards to parentsand students.  Banners with character messages adorn the cafeteria andhallways, and posters promoting tolerance are displayed throughout thebuilding.

Spartanburg District Six was cited for the Dorman High School Amigos Positivos peer mentoring program that’s been recommended toserve as a model for others to possibly replicate and integrate intotheir character education initiatives.

Promising Practices winners will be honored at the 17th National Forumon Character Education, Service & Leadership: Profiles in Character,to be held in San Francisco, CA, in October.  In addition, winningpractices will be featured in the Character Education Partnership’sannual publication and on its Web site.