University Associates Names Officers

May 20, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – May 21, 2009 – John A. Boudreaux, chairman of The Boudreaux Group Inc., been elected president of the University of South Carolina’s University Associates for 2009 –10.

Jodie W. McLean, president and CIO of Edens & Avant Inc., was tapped to be president-elect; Alan B. Kahn, chairman of M. B. Kahn Construction Co. and president of Kahn Development Co., was elected vice president, and J. Cantey Heath Jr., special assistant to the university president, was elected secretary-treasurer.

University Associates is a “town and gown” organization comprising Midlands area business, community and professional leaders who are committed to supporting and promoting the University of South Carolina. Meetings throughout the year feature addresses by the university president and highlight special programs and activities.