Women Giving for Spartanburg announces 2022 grant awards

May 11, 2022

On Monday May 2, 2022 Women Giving for Spartanburg (WGFS) announced the 2022 grant awards totalling $141,000. The organization, a special project of the Spartanburg County Foundation, kicked-off their 15th Anniversary with a celebratory luncheon at the Piedmont Club.

“It is my honor to announce the recipients of our 2022 Grants,” says Christi Brown, Board Chair for Women Giving for Spartanburg. “WGFS continues to strongly impact local charities as we have since 2007. In our fifteen years as a collective giving organization, we have granted over $3 Million to more than 100 nonprofits in Spartanburg County.  We are committed to continue working together for the next 15 years for causes that matter for our beloved community.”

The group’s Grants Committee requests Grant proposals from local nonprofit organizations each year for innovative projects focused on areas highlighted by the seven Spartanburg Community Indicators Project areas. This year, after review, site visits, and Grants Showcase, the Members voted on the organizations to receive money. The following eight nonprofits will receive a combined total of $141,000 in financial assistance:

 A Light Unto My Path will receive $15,000 to be used for transportation for their clients for work and other appointments.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Upstate, Inc. in partnership with H.A.L.T.E.R  $13,500 for combating and Mitigating the Impact of ACES on Disadvantaged Children: A Spartanburg Mentoring Collaborative with HALTER.

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Upstate $10,500 to cover the cost of clothes for children in need and branded Boys & Girls Clubs t-shirts for children to feel a sense of belonging.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union will receive $24,000 for children with problematic sexual behaviors.

Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas $24,000 for single mothers battling childhood cancer.

FAVOR Upstate $24,000 for FAVOR Spartanburg family therapist to support family members who have a loved one battling addiction.

The Period Project $15,000 for advancing Menstrual Equity in Spartanburg.

Upstate Warrior Solution $15,000 for transitional housing for homeless Veterans in partnership with Warriors Once Again.

“FAVOR Upstate is very excited to receive support from Women Giving for Spartanburg,” said Lesley Pregenzer, CEO Favor Upstate. “Through this grant, FAVOR can increase our vital support efforts throughout the community.  Having the backing, support and recognition from members of Women Giving for Spartanburg speaks volumes— not only bringing to light the fact that Substance Use Disorder impacts all of us, but for their recognition of the need to provide every person in the Upstate a fighting chance at recovery. It is with a grateful heart I thank you, Women Giving for Spartanburg, for believing that when individuals begin to rebuild their lives, families can heal, and communities can be strengthened one person at a time.”

Mary L. Thomas, COO Spartanburg County Foundation & Executive Director, Robert Hett Chapman III Center for Philanthropy, was part of the founding team of Women Giving for Spartanburg along with Angela Smith, Julie Lowry, Tracy Hannah and the late Sally Foster.  Thomas charged members to think about how “The power of collective giving is more than money. How can Women Giving for Spartanburg really move the needle on critical issues when it comes to being an advocate? How can WGFS help build social capital where women who share some of the same concerns, who may look different from each other, come together because they care about the same things?  How can WGFS be a connector? There is a lot of capital there when we think about Intellectual capital, moral capital,  social capital…opportunities beyond the financial capital where WGFS can amplify efforts in the community.”

Membership is open to any woman who would like to make a difference in the Spartanburg community. Annual dues are $600 for junior members (ages 35 and under) and $1,200 for regular members. The women’s giving circle also encourages involvement through committee work and events.  Its unique Annual Grant process gives each member a chance to vote on Grant finalists via online or paper ballot.

For more information about Grants or to join Women Giving for Spartanburg, visit www.WomenGivingSpartanburg.org.


About Women Giving For Spartanburg 

Founded in 2007 as a special project of the Spartanburg County Foundation, Women Giving for Spartanburg is an open membership group of passionate women who have joined together to enhance the quality of life in the Spartanburg community through collective giving. This women’s giving circle pools its money, energy and ideas in order to create a measurable impact on the local nonprofits funded via their annual Grant process.