Yandle to Analyze South Carolina Economy at Fall Innovation Roundtable
October 14, 2008CLEMSON, SC – October 14, 2008 – Bruce Yandle, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus at Clemson University, will share his insight on the state of the South Carolina economy at the Fall Innovation Roundtable sponsored by the Clemson Renaissance Center.
Yandle’s presentation, “Building a State Knowledge Economy Index: How is South Carolina Performing?” will begin at noon Friday, Oct. 17, at the Lazy Goat Restaurant in Greenville.
The roundtable discussion will address the following questions related to the economy:
- How do states compare in their ongoing efforts to become leading forces in the new knowledge economy?
Is South Carolina a meaningful contender in the knowledge economy?
If the knowledge economy is about people, then what does it take to attract and keep knowledge workers?
With funding from the South Carolina Research Authority, Yandle leads a Renaissance Center knowledge-economy project that addresses these questions. The project’s first phase addressed the construction of a state knowledge-economy index. A second phase that focuses on metropolitan areas is under way.
Yandle, dean emeritus of Clemson’s College of Business and Behavioral Science, is a Senior Fellow with Clemson’s Strom Thurmond Institute and a Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Economics with George Mason University’s Mercatus Center.
He served in Washington, D.C., on two occasions, first as a senior economist on the White House staff during the Ford and Carter administrations and later as executive director of the Federal Trade Commission in the Reagan administration. He has been a member and chairman of South Carolina’s State Board of Economic Advisors. He writes a quarterly newsletter on the economy that is distributed by Clemson’s Strom Thurmond Institute.
The Clemson Renaissance Center is a unit of the College of Business and Behavioral Science at Clemson University.
To register go to http://business.clemson.edu/rencenter/RenaissanceCtr.htm or call Pris Foster at 864-370-3038.